(Return to The natural Step Exercise description page)
- Broman, G. I., & Robèrt, K. H. (2017). A framework for strategic sustainable development. Journal of cleaner production, 140, 17-31.
- Summary based on BTH (2023-08-29). https://www.bth.se/eng/education/masters/msls/about/strategic-sustainable-development/
- 3 Strategic prioritisation questions. (2013, January 3). The Natural Step Canada. https://www.naturalstep.ca/three-strategic-prioritization-questions
- 5 level Framework. (2013, July 11). The Natural Step Canada. https://www.naturalstep.ca/five-level-framework
- Applying the ABCD method. (2014a, June 17). The Natural Step Canada. https://www.naturalstep.ca/abcd
- Our approach: the Natural Step framework. (2019, June 19). The Natural Step. https://thenaturalstep.org/approach/
Additional Reading
- Robèrt et al. 2019. Sustainability Handbook. Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144115955.